10 Classic Gaslighting Lines Used by Narcissists

Gaslighting is a common manipulation tactic used by narcissists to distort your reality and control your emotions. This blog uncovers ten classic narcissist gaslighting tactics, such as "You're over-sensitive" and "You're imagining things," designed to make you doubt your perceptions. By recognizing these tactics, you can protect yourself, set boundaries, and break free from their control. Understanding these phrases is the first step in healing from narcissistic abuse and rebuilding your self-confidence.

10 Classic Gaslighting Lines Used by Narcissists2024-09-02T09:17:42+10:00

Should You Take a Narcissist to Counselling? The Untold Truth

Counselling with a narcissist often does more harm than good, as narcissists use therapy to manipulate both the victim and the therapist. Instead of taking responsibility, they twist the narrative to maintain control. Victims often leave counseling feeling traumatised and blamed for the relationship's issues. Rather than joint counselling, victims should seek individual therapy to heal from narcissistic abuse and plan a safe exit. Remember, counseling with a narcissist is a trap; focus on your own recovery instead.

Should You Take a Narcissist to Counselling? The Untold Truth2024-09-02T08:54:43+10:00
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